
If you enjoy our content, please consider supporting the work we do on this film music site. It is a labor of love. We are not paid for our interviews or reviews by featured composers, publicists or studios, and retain editorial control over our content.  You can support us by a donation (also see button below) or by making a purchase by clicking through our links in our articles where available.  If you are not able to make a monetary donation, please consider sharing our stories on your social media networks.


On occasion, we may display third-party ads, relevant sponsored posts, or earn affiliate commissions on products linked on our articles (such as Amazon) to pay for the operations of this site. When you do click through on these links, you are taken to those sites to make your purchase and we have no direct or indirect access to your personal information if you make a purchase.  Typically, we would earn a small percentage of affiliate commission from that purchase after a waiting period.  We invite you to support our site operations by making your purchases through the link provided in the articles when available.  We will likely link mostly to soundtracks (digital, CD, vinyl), its relevant film or show, as that would also support the featured artists and their partners.  We may also link to a related product when it makes sense, but that is expected to be very rare.

We may on occasion update this page to reflect our current operations.

(Updated March 13, 2023)

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